
Jointly built by Shandong University of Finance and Economics, China Electronic Energy Saving Technology Association, China Low Carbon Promotion Association, and many other domestic and foreign universities and institutions,International School of Low Carbon Studies (ISLCS), as the second international low carbon school in China and the firstin Shandong Province, is an innovative and industry-oriented school.The school aims to cultivate low-carbon economy and management talents with international vision, scientific literacy and humanistic care, critical thinking spirit and interdisciplinary ability. Relying on the national comprehensive service platform for low-carbon technology trading, the school aims to become an industry-oriented school that promotes the high-quality development of Shandong Province and the realization of China's dual carbon target.

The research centers included in the school adopt a "6+1" structure. "6" includes: Low-carbon Strategy and Policy Research Center, Systematic Energy Conservation Research and Results Transformation Center, Industrial Hazardous Solid Waste Comprehensive Utilization Research and Results Transformation Center, Carbon Footprint and Carbon Labeling Research and International Cooperation Center, Carbon Finance and Carbon Management Research Center, Carbon Sink Project Development and Management Center. "1" is the Golden Key Low-carbon Action Center, which is responsible for transforming outstanding enterprise practices in the six centers into teaching and research cases, and serving low-carbon talent education. The school offers an interdisciplinary major of "Low-carbon Economy and Management" for postgraduates. It specifically sets four research interests: Low-carbon Economic Planning, Low-carbon Industry Operation Management, Low-carbon Investment & Financing and Certification Verification, and Global Low-carbon Management and Governance. At the same time, jointly set up with MBA and MPA, the school also offers two majors: Low-carbon Management, Low-carbon and Sustainable Development.

International School of Low Carbon Studies provides consultations for relevant government departments and industry participants with authoritative researches, and promote the development of low carbon economy.