Global Engagement

Carbon Footprint and Carbon Labeling Research and International Cooperation Center

Published: 2023-04-19 15:42  

This center mainly conducts research on the carbon footprint, carbon label standardization, evaluation and certification system and carbon credits of products and services,andcarries out joint research and international cooperation on the carbon label system of China, Japan and South Korea, as well as carries out related exchange activities and visits. This center cooperates with the Department of Climate Change of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the Department of Ecology and Environment of Shandong Province in dealing with climate change. Supported by China Carbon Label Industry Innovation Alliance, this center has jointly carried out relevant research with about 30 institutions such as China Electronics Standardization Institute, China Green Carbon Sink Foundation, China Electronics Energy-saving Technology Association, Lenovo Group, Yingli Group and Nagoya University of Japan.

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