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China Carbon Emissions Trading Market Report 2021~2022" Blue Book Released

Published: 2023-03-01 16:29  

On March 1, Shandong University of Finance and Economics and Social Science Literature Press jointly released the Blue Book on Low Carbon Development: China Carbon Emission Trading Market Report 2021~2022 in Beijing. Wang Shaojun, Party Secretary of Shandong University of Finance and Economics, Zhao Zhongxiu, Editor-in-Chief of the Blue Book and President of the University of International Business and Economics, Huang Jianzhong, President of China Association of Electronic Energy Conservation Technology, and Wang Limin, President of Social Science Literature Press, attended the launch and delivered speeches.

In his speech, Wang Shaojun said that General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in the report of the 20th Party Congress that "we should actively and steadily promote carbon compliance and carbon neutrality, improve the carbon emission statistics and accounting system, and improve the carbon emission rights market trading system". The launch and operation of the national carbon market is not only a major institutional innovation to promote green and low-carbon development, but also an important policy tool to promote the vision of achieving carbon neutrality, demonstrating China's firm determination to adhere to green development and highlighting the responsibility and commitment of a great nation. "During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, China's ecological civilization construction has entered a critical period in which carbon reduction is the key strategic direction, promoting comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, and achieving quantitative to qualitative changes in ecological environment improvement. The release of the Blue Book on Low Carbon Development can be said to be timely and has important practical significance for practicing Xi Jinping's thought of ecological civilization and helping green low-carbon development.

Zhao Zhongxiu introduced the research background, technical route, content and main ideas. He pointed out that based on the functional positioning of the carbon emission trading market in the report of the 20th Party Congress, the blue paper analyzed the policy adjustment and optimization history, existing problems and development trend of the carbon market from the strategic choice of China's carbon emission trading system, focusing on China's carbon trading pilot market and the national carbon market, and cut into the micro perspective of enterprises, and made an in-depth analysis on the construction of enterprise carbon management system, carbon data management platform construction, carbon He also analyzed the construction of carbon management system, carbon data management platform and carbon trading management capacity, and made an outlook on the steady and orderly promotion of China's carbon emission trading system.

In the expert review session, Zhuang Guiyang, Deputy Director of the Institute of Ecological Civilization, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Wang Yao, President of the International Institute of Green Finance, Central University of Finance and Economics, Liu Mingxing, Non-Executive Director of China Gas Group, Yuan Tian, R&D Director of AVIC Trust, Wu Jia, Secretary of the Board of Directors of Shanghai Securities Company Limited, and Tan Jueyue, Senior Analyst of Lufte Carbon, highly affirmed the release of the Blue Book and considered its wide coverage, advanced research methodology and operable policy recommendations, and has important strategic leadership and policy guidance value.

The Blue Book on Low Carbon Development: China Carbon Emissions Trading Market Report 2021~2022 is the first series of research reports on China's carbon emissions trading market, prepared under the auspices of the China International Low Carbon Institute of Shandong University of Finance and Economics. The Blue Book systematically compares the development history of China and the global carbon emission trading system, analyzes the current situation, opportunities and challenges of China's carbon market construction, establishes a comprehensive evaluation index to evaluate the national carbon market and carbon trading pilot markets, compiles the evolution path of foreign carbon finance policies from an international perspective, and summarizes the experience of international carbon market linkage and carbon asset management, in order to improve China's carbon trading market environment and It provides an important theoretical basis and practical reference for improving China's carbon trading market environment, optimizing carbon trading market mechanism and related policies, vigorously promoting China's green and low-carbon economic transformation, and achieving the goal of "3060" on time.

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