Global Engagement

The College was invited to participate in the 3rd "Belt and Road" Construction and Manufacturing Power Building Synergistic Development Forum and 2022 China Industrial Carbon Summit Forum

Published: 2022-12-30 13:59  

On December 29, 2022, Wang Jingmin, Executive Director of China International Low Carbon Academy, was invited to participate in the 3rd "Belt and Road" and Manufacturing Power Synergy Forum and 2022 China Industrial Carbon Summit Forum, and witnessed the release of the research results of China Industrial Carbon Summit "Leaders" enterprises.

Introduction to the research work of China's industrial carbon peaking "leader" enterprises: From March to December 2021, China Federation of Industrial Economics (CFIE) conducted a special research on "China's industrial carbon peaking" under the framework of the "Belt and Road" construction and manufacturing power construction synergistic development research project (referred to as " In March-December 2021, the China Federation of Industrial Economics (CFIE) conducted a special research on "China's industrial carbon peak" under the framework of the project, which resulted in a special report entitled "Six Suggestions on Countermeasures to Achieve Carbon Neutrality in Carbon Peak" and received positive instructions from the leading comrades of the Central Government. Professor Zhao Zhongxiu, President of Shandong University of Finance and Economics, as the co-leader of the project team, organized the China International Low Carbon Institute to participate in the research and helped to complete the report. The report recommended that the "China Industrial Carbon Pioneer Study" should be carried out from 2022 onwards, and that from 2022 onwards, the Institute should organize relevant experts to work with the China Federation of Industrial Economics and relevant departments to carry out the China Industrial Carbon Pioneer Study. "The Institute will design the selection criteria and conduct research on more than 280 leading enterprises in various industries. Through quantitative data index analysis and qualitative information research, combined with enterprise on-site presentation and expert Q&A session, it took 9 months to discover 42 outstanding enterprises with leading role in energy saving and low carbon and green transformation. Among them, Shandong includes Haier Group Company, Lutai Textile Co., Ltd. and Shandong Guosun Construction Group Co.

In the future, the Academy will continue to conduct the annual "Leader" enterprise research in collaboration with the China Federation of Industrial Economics to contribute to the green, low-carbon and high-quality development of China's industry and to contribute Chinese solutions to global industrial green development.

In order to implement the major strategic deployment of the Party Central Committee on the construction of Carbon Dafeng Carbon Neutral and Hainan Free Trade Port, the China Federation of Industrial Economics and the People's Government of Hainan Province co-hosted the 3rd "Belt and Road" Construction and Manufacturing Power Building Synergistic Development Forum and 2022 China Industrial Carbon Summit Forum (hereinafter referred to as the Forum). The Forum is based on the research work of China's industrial carbon "leader" enterprises, aiming to gather outstanding enterprises in the field of industrial carbon, summarize and share green low-carbon development achievements and experiences, and create an authoritative communication platform for China's industrial green low-carbon transformation and high-quality development.

Li Yizhong, former Minister of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and President of China Federation of Industrial Economics, Feng Fei, Governor of Hainan Province, Peng Huagang, Secretary General of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, and You Yong, Deputy Director General of the Department of Energy Conservation and Comprehensive Utilization of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, attended the forum and delivered speeches at the opening session, expressing their good wishes for the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port and their expectations for China's industrial carbon peaking and high-quality industrial development. . Ni Qiang, Vice Governor of Hainan Provincial People's Government, presided over the opening ceremony.

Ni Qiang, Vice Governor of Hainan Provincial People's Government, presided over the opening ceremony. Li Yizhong, former Minister of Industry and Information Technology and President of China Federation of Industrial Economics, made suggestions on several issues worthy of attention in the current implementation of carbon peaking and carbon neutral. He pointed out that the industrial carbon emissions should be further sorted out and the carbon footprint should be mapped out. While vigorously adjusting and optimizing the energy structure, applying policies according to the industry and local conditions, and fully implementing the "double carbon" responsibility of each industry, the government should continue to vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and application, strengthen international exchange and cooperation, and strive for international discourse.

On behalf of the provincial government of Hainan, Feng Fei, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and governor of Hainan, extended a warm welcome to the guests attending the forum. He pointed out that this forum is a rare opportunity for Hainan to learn from advanced experience, which will strongly promote Hainan's deeper participation in the "Belt and Road" construction, and better integrate into the major national deployments such as Carbon Dafeng Carbon Neutral. The construction of a free trade port with Chinese characteristics in Hainan is a major reform and opening-up initiative personally planned, deployed and promoted by General Secretary Xi Jinping. Hainan takes green and low-carbon as an important focus point, continuously promotes the "double carbon" work in industry, incorporates the carbon peak and carbon neutral into the overall layout of economic and social development, optimizes and adjusts the industrial structure and energy structure, comprehensively improves the efficiency of resource utilization, and gradually establishes a sound green low-carbon cycle development economic system. I hope that the guests can contribute insights to Hainan's "double carbon" work, and invite the majority of outstanding enterprises to actively participate in the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port.

Peng Huagang, secretary-general of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, pointed out that the work of carbon neutral has been incorporated into the overall development of state-owned enterprises, and central enterprises continue to optimize their industrial and energy structures and promote their green and low-carbon work, helping to promote Made in China and Chinese standards to the world, with remarkable results. .

Mr. You Yong, deputy director of the Department of Energy Conservation and Comprehensive Utilization of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, shared the current practices and achievements of China's industrial green and low-carbon, pointing out that China's new momentum of green development continues to grow, and the green manufacturing system continues to improve, but still needs to actively and steadily promote the carbon peak carbon neutral action.

In the presence of the guests, Zou Guang, Mayor of Danzhou City, and Xiong Meng, Party Secretary, Executive Vice President and Secretary General of China Federation of Industrial Economics, signed the Letter of Intent on Cooperation of Industrial Green Low Carbon (Technology) Development Empowerment Base. The empowerment base will rely on the existing industrial base of Hainan Refining and Chemical, focus on the introduction of China's industrial carbon peak "leader" enterprises and industry backbone enterprises, to increase the supply of green low-carbon projects and technologies, strengthen the momentum of green low-carbon industries as the guide, convergence and incubation of green low-carbon technologies, promote the green low-carbon industries and technology projects to land, help Danzhou Yangpu build green low-carbon (technology) development innovation system, consolidate the foundation of Dan Yang integrated industrial development, and realize industrial green low-carbon transformation and high-quality development.

In the forum, the person in charge of the China Industrial Carbon Project Group of the China Federation of Industrial Economics introduced the research results of China Industrial Carbon "Leaders" enterprises in 2022 and released the list of the first 42 China Industrial Carbon "Leaders" enterprises, including CITIC Group. In 2022, the China Federation of Industrial Economics (CFIE) invited more than 280 leading enterprises in the industry to participate in the research work of China Industrial Carbon Pacesetter enterprises, and jointly with experts from relevant departments, local governments, industries and think tanks, through quantitative data index analysis and qualitative information research, combined with on-site presentations and questions from experts We summarize and refine typical experiences and achievements, find excellent technologies and cases, and conduct research on common problems from the perspective of enterprises' green and low-carbon transformation ability, core initiatives and effectiveness of green development, green and low-carbon technology level, products and solutions. After nine months, 42 outstanding enterprises with leading role in green development were identified, among which 13 are central enterprises, 12 are local state-owned enterprises and 17 are private enterprises/joint ventures.

Wang Dongjin, Chairman of China National Offshore Oil Corporation, Lu Yimin, General Manager of China General Technology (Group) Holdings Limited, Liang Haishan, President of Haier Group Company, Pang Snapdragon, Director and Deputy Secretary of the Party Group of State Grid Corporation, Wang Mingyuan, Deputy General Manager of China Aviation Group Corporation, and Li Junqi, Chairman of Foxconn Industrial Internet Corporation, delivered keynote speeches and shared their practical experiences in the field of green They shared their practical experiences in the field of green and low-carbon development, providing ideas and directions for industrial enterprises to better integrate green and low-carbon concepts into their corporate development and achieve transformation and upgrading. Xiong Meng, Secretary of the Party Committee, Executive Vice President and Secretary General of China Federation of Industrial Economics, presided over the keynote speech session.

Wang Dongjin, Chairman of CNOOC, emphasized the importance of the role of fossil energy in ensuring energy security and the role of natural gas as a "bridge" in energy transformation, and encouraged the oil and gas industry to adhere to scientific and technological innovation, accelerate Encourage the oil and gas industry to adhere to scientific and technological innovation, accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation, promote the transformation of the energy structure, and make greater contributions to help build a strong ocean state and guarantee national energy security.

Lu Yimin, General Manager of China General Technology (Group) Holding Co., Ltd. shared the green and low-carbon development practices of General Technology Group, suggesting that enterprises should focus on concept first, strategy leading, differentiation and fine promotion, and pay attention to technological innovation and system guarantee.

Liang Haishan, president of Haier Group, said that Haier Group actively promotes the deep integration of ESG concept and business operation, practices 6-Green strategy, plays the leading role of national industrial Internet platform, accelerates the high-end, digital and green transformation and upgrading of the group, and comes out of a "green product - green production - green industry "We have achieved remarkable results in the "low-carbon road" of high-quality development.

Ltd. director and deputy party secretary Pang Snapdragon pointed out that electricity is the central link of energy transformation, we should adhere to the direction of clean and low-carbon, energy supply as the basis, energy innovation as the driving force, energy saving and efficiency as the focus, to promote energy green low-carbon transformation. In order to accelerate the realization of the "double carbon" goal, the State Grid has introduced a series of pragmatic initiatives, committed to accelerate the construction of a new power system, and fully serve the new energy system planning and construction.

Wang Mingyuan, Deputy General Manager of Air China Group, elaborated on the important initiatives and results of Air China Group in improving production and operation efficiency and lean management, closely combining the green and low-carbon concept with the construction of a new development pattern, building an air silk road, and promoting the high-quality development of civil aviation.

Li Junqi, Chairman of Foxconn Industrial Internet Co., Ltd. introduced and shared the exploration and successful practice of Industrial Fulian in digital and green transformation and sustainable development, which provided reference for manufacturing enterprises to make good use of "smart manufacturing + industrial Internet".

In the conclusion of the forum, Xiong Meng pointed out that the China Federation of Industrial Economics will further improve the research and forum on the synergistic development of the "Belt and Road" construction and the construction of a strong manufacturing country, as well as the research on the "leader" enterprises of China's industrial carbon dioxide peak, and requested the support of the central ministries and commissions. More than 200 representatives from the government, industry and enterprises attended the forum, and the forum was also broadcasted live online, which enabled more guests to participate in the forum. The activity of "famous enterprises Dan Yang". With the opportunity of holding the "Belt and Road" construction and manufacturing power building synergistic development forum and China Industrial Carbon Dafeng Forum, to create an exchange platform for large leading enterprises outside the island to enter Danzhou Yangpu, promote Danzhou Yangpu, and promote enterprises and industries to dock and cooperate accurately. Li Aihua, executive vice mayor of Danzhou City People's Government, presided over the forum, while Guo Zhangcheng, deputy secretary general of Hainan Provincial People's Government and Xiong Meng, secretary of the party committee, executive vice president and secretary general of China Federation of Industrial Economics, delivered speeches.

Leaders from relevant departments of Hainan Province and Danzhou City introduced the business environment of Hainan Free Trade Port and interpreted the relevant supporting policies.

Fu Jianguo, Vice General Manager of Baoshan Iron and Steel Company Limited, Ni Jiayu, Vice General Manager of China Coal Energy Group Company Limited, An Xiaopeng, Vice President of Ali Research Institute, Shao Renqiang, Chief Economist of China CNR Group Company Limited, Ma Zhihong, Vice President of Shenyang Blower Group Company Limited, Zhang Wei, Chairman of China Railway High-Tech Industry Company Limited, Qian Jianlin, Executive President of Hengtong Group Company Limited, Shaanxi Blower (Group) Co. Ltd., Mr. An Zhenghai, Vice General Manager of Hengyuan Group Co., Ltd., Mr. Zhu Yang, Chairman of China Production Group, Mr. Zhan Songlin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Putian Holding Group Co. Ltd. and Hainan Aska International Grain & Oil Co., Ltd. and other Hainan enterprises and industrial park representatives attended the event.

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